This program is to ensure that SCT company gets the maximum amount of exposure in a minimum amount of time in a low-risk way. It makes use of the fact that the modern world is perforated by social media and the vast majority of content creators (95-99%) do not get paid a significant or regular amount of money via their content. These content creators are more likely to agree to an arrangement where little or no lump sum is paid to them and all the money that they earn will be via commissions for each sale that they do. The idea is, to reach out to some of these small content creators and tell them the offer and the conditions. The conditions are, that each small influencer has to encourage as many people to buy my products as possible. Each influencer will be given a personalized discount code which a customer that they refer can use to get a 10% discount on any of my products (except for blowgun darts as they do not have sufficient profit margin due to time taken in making them),...